IAS Gyan

Daily News Analysis

Landslide risk map for India

8th January, 2024 Geography

Landslide risk map for India

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  • The Indian Landslide Susceptibility Map is the first of its kind by virtue of being on a national scale, leaving out no location in the country.

About National Landslide Susceptibility Map

  • Detailed Mapping: This high-resolution map presents a comprehensive view of landslide susceptibility throughout India with a resolution of 100 square meters, identifying areas not recognized before.
  • Identification of New Risk Areas: The map not only identifies traditional high-risk zones but also reveals previously unrecognized regions of concern, expanding the range of areas requiring landslide monitoring.
  • Innovative Analysis Technique: The mapping utilized an ensemble machine learning approach to improve prediction accuracy and fill data gaps in unexplored regions.
  • Benefits of Ensemble Models: This approach skillfully integrates multiple models, offering a more dependable assessment of landslide risks.

Data Collection and Analysis Procedure

  • Thorough Data Compilation: Scientists gathered information on approximately 150,000 landslide occurrences from diverse outlets, incorporating data from sources such as the Geological Survey of India.
  • Recognition of Contributing Elements: Utilizing tools like GeoSadak for remote data collection, the research team identified 16 crucial factors influencing the susceptibility to landslides.

Significance for Disaster Response

  • Valuable Resource for Stakeholders: The map acts as a crucial tool for governmental bodies, disaster management agencies, and organizations dedicated to mitigating landslide risks.
  • Improving Preparedness and Planning: It will streamline vulnerability assessments, aid in infrastructure planning, and support the implementation of mitigation strategies.

Rationale for the Map

  • Perpetual Hazard: Landslides, impacting a significant yet limited portion of India, pose a recurring threat, particularly in mountainous areas.
  • Management Challenges: The localized and sporadic occurrence of landslides has historically impeded effective monitoring and prediction, emphasizing the necessity for a comprehensive mapping solution.

Future Initiatives and Public Accessibility

  • Establishing an Early Warning System: Building upon the map, endeavors are in progress to establish a comprehensive Landslide Early Warning System.
  • Cartogram for Infrastructure Vulnerability: Work is ongoing to develop a cartogram that identifies vulnerable infrastructure.
  • Accessible to the Public: The map and its data will be available through a web interface, encouraging public interaction and awareness.


Discuss the challenges and implications of landslide risk in India. Highlight the significance of recent advancements in high-resolution mapping and technological approaches in addressing the persistent threat of landslides.