IAS Gyan

Daily News Analysis


11th May, 2022 Security

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  • The Indian Army is in the advanced stages of putting together Integrated Battle Groups (IBGs) by reconfiguring its combat formations.
  • The Indian Army has identified the holding formation on the Western front and a strike formation on the eastern or northern borders for the IBGisation to commence.

About IBG

  • The IBGs are agile, brigade-sized, and self-sufficient combat formations.
  • In case of hostilities, they can swiftly strike against the enemies.
  • Every IBG will be tailor-made and will be based on the three Ts -- Threat, Terrain, and Task.
  • The IBGs will be self-contained fighting formations with the elements of every arm and service mixed as per the terrain and operational requirements.
  • Each IBG will have a troop strength of around 5,000, bigger than a Brigade (3000-3,500) but smaller than a division (10,000-12,000).
    • These will have a mix of every arm and service like Infantry, Artillery, Armoured, Engineers, Signals, Air Defence, and others.
  • In the initial phase, the Army has decided to reconstitute its standing forces into 12 modernised IBGs.
    • The forces reassigned and reconstituted would be smaller but swifter with greater combat thrust.
