Humboldt’s Enigma

Last Updated on 30th January, 2024
5 minutes, 38 seconds


Humboldt’s Enigma

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  • The reason behind the mountains’ disproportional contribution to global species diversity is not understood and has been dubbed “Humboldt’s enigma.”

Alexander von Humboldt:

  • Renowned polymath explorer, active from 1769 to 1859.
  • Documented extensive observations across various scientific fields during his explorations.
  • Explored South America and conducted significant studies on Chimborazo mountain.

Humboldt's Contribution:

  • Explored plant distribution on mountains, noting environmental factors.
  • Recognized the interplay between temperature, altitude, humidity, and species occurrence patterns.
  • Chimborazo mountain in Ecuador became a focal point for his studies, illustrating the diversity found in mountainous regions.

Humboldt's Enigma:

  • Proposed by contemporary biogeographers.
  • Challenges the prevailing belief that biodiversity is concentrated in tropical regions.
  • Identifies mountains, such as the Eastern Himalaya, as unexpectedly diverse areas, sparking further exploration into the factors contributing to this diversity.

Diversity in Indian Context:

  • Contrary to expectations, the Eastern Himalaya emerges as exceptionally diverse.
  • Climate dissimilarity, geological variations, and other ecological factors contribute to unique biodiversity patterns in specific regions.

Drivers of Biodiversity in Mountains:

  • Geological processes act as both "cradles" and "museums" for species.
  • "Cradles" result from uplifts creating new habitats, while "museums" sustain species over extended periods.
  • Coastal tropical sky islands, exemplified by the Shola Sky Islands, showcase old lineages persisting amidst fluctuating climates.

Role of Geology:

  • High geological heterogeneity globally correlates with high biodiversity in mountains.
  • Different rock types influence soil composition, creating unique habitat patches.
  • Geological diversity contributes to the promotion of species diversification.

Challenges and Unknowns:

  • Fine-scale data on species occurrences are crucial for understanding biodiversity patterns.
  • Birds, particularly passerines, are well-described globally; however, many regions, like the Eastern Ghats in India, remain understudied.
  • Limited availability of comprehensive data poses challenges in explaining biodiversity variations.

Ongoing Efforts:

  • National programs, including the National Mission on Himalayan Studies, address research gaps.
  • Modern tools, such as genetic analysis, play a crucial role in comprehensive biodiversity assessments.
  • Continued efforts are essential for a deeper understanding of biodiversity patterns.


  • Humboldt's Enigma represents one facet of the complex puzzle of mountain biodiversity.
  • Strengthening research initiatives and employing modern tools are pivotal for unraveling mysteries and addressing global challenges related to climate and landscape change.
  • Insights gained contribute to a holistic understanding of biodiversity dynamics in diverse ecosystems.


Q: Humboldt’s enigma, which explores the factors influencing biodiversity in mountainous regions, involves key concepts. Consider the following statements:

1.Humboldt's enigma challenges the assumption that biodiversity is highest in regions receiving maximum solar energy.

2.Geological processes play a significant role in Humboldt’s enigma, contributing to the formation of diverse habitats on mountains.

3.Coastal tropical sky islands, like the Shola Sky Islands in the Western Ghats, are exceptions to Humboldt’s enigma, showcasing biodiversity patterns contrary to expectations.

Which of the statements above is/are correct?

A. Statements 1 and 2 only

B. Statements 2 and 3 only

C. Statements 1 and 3 only

D. All of the above

Correct Answer:

A. Statements 1 and 2 only


  • Statement 1: Humboldt's enigma challenges the assumption that biodiversity is highest in regions receiving maximum solar energy.
    • This statement is correct. Humboldt's enigma challenges the conventional belief that regions receiving the most solar energy (tropics) exhibit the highest biodiversity. It highlights exceptions, particularly in mountainous regions, where biodiversity is not solely determined by solar energy.
  • Statement 2: Geological processes play a significant role in Humboldt’s enigma, contributing to the formation of diverse habitats on mountains.
    • This statement is correct. Humboldt's enigma emphasizes the role of geological processes, such as uplifts, in biodiversity. Mountains serve as "cradles" for new species due to the creation of new habitats and as "museums" where species persist over time.
  • Statement 3: Coastal tropical sky islands, like the Shola Sky Islands in the Western Ghats, are exceptions to Humboldt’s enigma, showcasing biodiversity patterns contrary to expectations.
    • This statement is incorrect. Coastal tropical sky islands, like the Shola Sky Islands, are not exceptions but align with Humboldt's enigma. They exemplify how old lineages persist on mountaintops despite fluctuating climates in the lower elevations.

Therefore, the correct answer is: A. Statements 1 and 2 only

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