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India started its four-year term as a member of the United Nations Statistical Commission.
United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC)
The United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) is one of the functional commissions of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Its primary role is to oversee the international statistical system and promote the development of robust and coherent statistical standards and methodologies. Here's a comprehensive overview:
- Establishment and Composition:
- The UNSC was established in 1947, and it consists of 24 member countries elected by the Economic and Social Council on the basis of geographic representation.
- Mandate and Functions:
- The main mandate of the UNSC is to set global statistical standards, oversee the work of the international statistical system, and provide a platform for member countries to discuss statistical issues.
- It plays a crucial role in coordinating international statistical activities, ensuring compatibility and comparability of statistics across countries.
- Session and Meetings:
- The UNSC holds an annual session, typically in March, at the United Nations headquarters in New York. During these sessions, member countries discuss and make decisions on various statistical matters.
- In addition to the annual session, the UNSC holds intersessional meetings and expert group sessions to address specific statistical topics and challenges.
- Global Indicator Framework:
- The UNSC is responsible for overseeing the development and maintenance of the global indicator framework for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It ensures that statistical indicators are consistent and comparable across countries, facilitating the monitoring and reporting of progress towards the SDGs.
- Coordination with International Organizations:
- The UNSC collaborates closely with international organizations, including the United Nations Statistical Division (UNSD), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and other relevant entities, to ensure the coherence and quality of international statistics.
- Data Quality and Standards:
- The commission sets international statistical standards and guidelines to improve the quality, comparability, and relevance of statistical information globally.
- It encourages member countries to adopt and implement these standards to enhance the accuracy and reliability of national and international statistics.
- Capacity Building:
- The UNSC is involved in efforts to enhance the statistical capacities of member countries, particularly in developing regions. This includes providing technical assistance, training programs, and promoting best practices in statistical methodologies.
- Inter-Agency Coordination:
- The UNSC facilitates coordination among various United Nations agencies and other international organizations involved in statistical activities to avoid duplication of efforts and ensure a coherent approach to global statistical work.
In summary, the United Nations Statistical Commission plays a pivotal role in advancing international statistical standards, promoting coordination among statistical organizations, and contributing to the development of a reliable and comparable global statistical system.
What is the primary role of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC)?
a) Enforcing economic sanctions against member countries
b) Coordinating global efforts in the field of space exploration
c) Overseeing the international statistical system and setting global statistical standards
d) Managing the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
c) Overseeing the international statistical system and setting global statistical standards
The United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) is responsible for overseeing the international statistical system and plays a key role in setting global statistical standards to ensure consistency, comparability, and reliability of statistical information across countries.