sailfin catfish

Last Updated on 16th May, 2024
1 minute, 56 seconds


sailfin catfish

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  • CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) scientists have found out that the invasive armoured sailfin catfish has spread to 60% in the water bodies of Eastern Ghats, damaging the fishing nets and the ecosystem also.

Armoured sailfin catfish (ASC)

  1. It is also known as Rakashi or devil fish.
  2. It was brought to India due to its distinctive appearance and algae-cleaning abilities but it has since multiplied to become invasive in some areas.
  3. They are Native to South America and belong to the largest catfish family.
  4.  Named for its sail-like dorsal fin, the part of its scientific name multiradiatus means "many-rayed" and refers to the rays of the dorsal fin.
  5. Habitat

Pterygoplichthys' habitat is most common in sluggish streams, floodplain lakes, and marshes.

They are known from the Orinoco, Amazon, Magdalena, Maracaibo, Paraná, Parnaíba and São Francisco systems.

Scientific name: Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus

Family: Loricariidae

Genus: Pterygoplichthys

Order: Siluriformes



Q.  Consider the following statements about “Armoured sailfin catfish (ASC)”

  1. They are Native to South America.
  2. Thay non-invasive fishes with distinctive appearance and algae-cleaning abilities.
  3. Their habitat includes sluggish streams, floodplain lakes, and marshes.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

A.1 and 3 only

B.2 and 3 only

C. All three

D None

Answer: A

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