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Context: The India Skills Report 2024 highlights Kerala as the most preferred state to work in, based on the findings of a survey conducted by talent assessment agency Wheebox in collaboration with various organizations such as the All India Council for Technical Education, Confederation of Indian Industry, and Association of Indian Universities.
Key points from the report
- Top Cities for Employment: Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram secured the second and fourth positions, respectively, among cities preferred for work by both men and women across all age groups.
- National Employability Test: The report is based on a National Employability Test conducted across the country, surveying 3.88 lakh youths. The findings indicate an improvement in employability in India, with 51.25% of the assessed youths found to be employable with the required skills.
- Overall Employability: Kerala secured the second position in overall employability among the 18-21 age group, emphasizing its position as a robust talent pool in the country.
- Computer Skills: Thiruvananthapuram claimed the first position among cities in nurturing computer skills, contributing to Kerala's third position overall among states in computer skills.
- Diverse Skill Sets: The report highlighted Kerala's well-rounded talent pool, showcasing excellence in various skills. Regions with diverse skill sets are considered better equipped to meet the demands of an evolving job market.
- Talent Dispersion: The study observed a trend of highly skilled individuals in various regions of Kerala migrating to the State capital, challenging the conventional notion that employability is confined to major urban centers.
- Government Initiatives: The report acknowledged the Kerala government's initiatives in skill training and development, particularly praising ASAP Kerala's impact in imparting skills to over 2.5 lakh higher secondary students in the last decade.
- Skill Parks and Centers of Excellence: Community skill parks and centers of excellence established by the agency (ASAP Kerala) were recognized as exemplary models for training in advanced technologies across the nation.
- The report positions Kerala as a state with a thriving and diverse talent pool, attributing its success to a balanced approach towards education, emphasis on future skills, and robust government initiatives in skill training and development.
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