IAS Gyan

Daily News Analysis


27th February, 2024 Environment


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Picture Courtesy: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/07/environmental-impact-space-debris-how-to-solve-it/

Context: SpaceX, under Elon Musk's leadership, intends to dispose of 100 Starlink satellites in the next six months, employing de-orbiting to prevent potential threats due to a design flaw.

Key Highlights

Concerns Raised by Atmospheric Scientists

  • There is growing concern among atmospheric scientists that the disposal of satellites in the upper atmosphere could have unintended consequences for Earth's climate.
  • A recent study unexpectedly found potential ozone-depleting metals from spacecraft in the stratosphere, where the ozone layer is formed.

Satellite Debris in Low Earth Orbit

  • The low earth orbit, where satellites monitoring Earth's ecosystems are located, is becoming increasingly congested. SpaceX's Starlink alone has over 5,000 spacecraft in orbit.
  • Clearing debris from this orbit is a priority for the space sector to avoid collisions and ensure the sustainability of space activities.

Satellite Disposal Methods

  • Satellites are usually disposed of by controlled reentry, where they enter the Earth's atmosphere at a predetermined time, burning up over remote areas like the Pacific Ocean.
  • The process of designing satellites for easy breakup and burning during reentry is known as "design for demise."

Environmental Impact on Earth's Atmosphere

  • The concern raised by atmospheric scientists revolves around the potential environmental impact of spacecraft particles released during reentry. They mention the possibility of these particles contributing to the formation of polar clouds and ozone loss, especially as the Earth's atmosphere is in the process of recovery.

Uncertainty and Need for Research

  • The impact of spacecraft particles on the atmosphere, particularly on the ozone layer and climate, is not well understood. There is a need for rigorous and focused research to determine the effects of satellite disposal on Earth's upper atmosphere and climate.

Impact of Satellites on the Environment

Impact Area


Negative Impacts

Mitigation Strategies

Space Debris

Defunct satellites, rocket stages, and fragments create collision risks and hinder future space activity.

Collision risk with operational satellites.

Orbital pollution restricts future space exploration.

Active Debris Removal (ADR): Develop technologies to capture and de-orbit debris.

Design for Demise: Build satellites to burn up or be directed to disposal orbits at end-of-life.

International Regulations: Establish standards for responsible satellite design and disposal.

Light Pollution

Bright satellites in low orbit interfere with astronomical observations and potentially affect nocturnal ecosystems.

Disrupts astronomical observations.

Potential negative impact on light-sensitive ecosystems.

Responsible Design: Minimize satellite reflectivity and carefully choose deployment orbits.

Collaboration: Engage with astronomers to find solutions and mitigate impacts.

Electromagnetic Radiation

Satellite transmissions can interfere with Earth-based communication systems.

Radiofrequency interference with radio astronomy and terrestrial communication.

Frequency Coordination: Allocate and manage satellite frequencies to minimize interference.

Development of Interference-resistant Technologies: Advance technologies less susceptible to interference.

Resource Intensiveness

Manufacturing and launching satellites consume significant resources and contribute to environmental burdens.

Resource extraction and processing.

Energy consumption during production and launch. - Waste generation.

Sustainable Material Sourcing: Utilize recycled materials and eco-friendly alternatives.

Energy-efficient Production: Implement energy-saving practices throughout the production chain.

Waste Reduction and Recycling: Minimize waste generation and promote responsible waste disposal.

Energy Consumption

Satellites require continuous energy for operation, contributing to overall energy usage.

Increased global energy consumption.

Energy-efficient Satellite Design: Develop satellites with lower energy requirements.

Renewable Energy Integration: Explore options for powering satellites through renewable sources like solar energy.

Climate Change Contribution

Satellites activities, including manufacturing, launch, and operation, contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

Emissions from satellite production, launch, and energy use.

Cleaner Propulsion Systems: Develop and use less polluting rocket fuels and engines.

Reusable Launch Vehicles: Reduce reliance on disposable rockets and the associated emissions.

Carbon Offsetting: Consider carbon offset initiatives to compensate for emissions.

Chemical Propellant Pollution

Rocket launches release chemical propellants, potentially impacting air and water quality.

Air and water pollution depends on the specific propellant used.

Potential health and ecological risks.

Cleaner Propellant Development: Research and develop environmentally friendly propellants with minimal environmental impact.

Launch Site Selection: Conduct launches at locations with minimal environmental impact.

Frequency Spectrum Crowding

The increasing number of satellites can lead to competition for limited frequency bands, impacting other communication systems.

Reduced efficiency and increased interference due to spectrum congestion.

Spectrum Management: Implement efficient and dynamic spectrum allocation techniques.

Technological Advancements: Develop communication systems less susceptible to interference.

Erosion of Space for Astronomy

Satellite constellations can obstruct the view of celestial objects, impacting astronomical observations.

Disruption of ground-based and space-based astronomical research.

Responsible Constellation Design: Design constellations with minimal impact on astronomical observations and collaborate with astronomers.

Data Sharing and Transparency: Share satellite data and operational plans with astronomical communities.

Military Satellite Activities

Military satellites raise concerns about global security and potential conflicts in space.

Geopolitical and security implications.

Potential for conflict in space with broader repercussions.

International Cooperation: Promote international dialogue and establish treaties for peaceful use of space.

Transparency and Confidence-building Measures: Build trust and transparency among countries involved in space activities.

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)

GNSS like GPS improve navigation but can lead to a decline in traditional navigation skills.

Over Reliance on GNSS and potential loss of traditional navigation skills.

Education and Training: Promote awareness of traditional navigation skills alongside GNSS reliance.

Development of Backup Systems: Develop and maintain backup navigation systems independent of GNSS.

Technological Advancements

Satellites contribute to technological advancements, but raise societal concerns.

Issues related to privacy, data security, and reliance on satellite technology.

Ethical and Responsible Development: Implement ethical considerations and responsible practices in


  • While concerns about the environmental impact of satellite debris on Earth's atmosphere and climate are valid, further research is needed to understand the complex interactions between spacecraft particles, atmospheric processes, and climate dynamics. As scientists continue to investigate these issues, it's important to maintain a balanced and evidence-based approach to decision-making regarding satellite disposal and space exploration activities.

Must Read Articles:

SATELLITE-BASED GIGABIT INTERNET: https://www.iasgyan.in/daily-current-affairs/satellite-based-gigabit-internet


Q. The increasing number of satellites in orbit raises concerns about potential collisions and the creation of space debris. Evaluate the effectiveness of current international regulations and initiatives aimed at mitigating space debris. What are the challenges and limitations of these approaches, and what potential improvements or alternative strategies could be considered?