Context: With the advanced version of e-HRMS, employees will be able to not only see all their details with respect to service book, leave, GPF, salary, etc., but also apply for different kind of claims/reimbursements, loan/advances, leave, leave encashment, LTC advances, tour etc. on a single platform.
- The e-HRMS was launched in 2017. It had 25 applications of five modules
- The electronic-human resource management system (e-HRMS) an application of artificial intelligence tools greatly helped in policy making and in handling of matters related to personnel.
- There is a need to popularise the system in other ministries for its use in comprehensive manner. It had 25 applications of five modules.
- Through e-HRMS, government employees are accessing their service-related information and it has digitised HR processes in the government of India, leading to several benefits for the employees and increasing efficiency.
- This system has various advantages such as providing dash board for employee and management, updated service records, e-governance in office procedures, reduced file movement, faster service delivery, assist in decision making, common document repository of employees, standardization of master data, minimize manual entry of data, ease of sharing information among stake holders, e-sign for accountability/authenticity and e-HRMS integration for faster payments of GPF, advances, loans, reimbursements.